Renato Ciminelli


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High Performance Professional Culture: Ciminelli has consolidated himself as a technology intensive, multi-institutional, multidisciplinary and complex projects manager that performs either as a consultant or as a temporary corporation or institutional executive. Through his 35 years of professional experience he has accumulated specific deep knowledge and experience in a variety of industrial segments like: cosmetics, textiles, food, ceramics, fertilizers, metallurgy, pharmaceuticals, mining, specialty chemicals and functional minerals, high performance powders among others. Ciminelli is an experiencing and high-valued specialist in technology intensive industrial businesses. His niche professional markets are strategic management, market studies and product development, technology assessment, entry strategies assessment, value adding consulting works. Ciminelli in the last ten years has been developing a new expertise in international and more systemic projects and approaches that target territorial environmental protection and diversified industrial development. A trademark in the mining sector as an innovation reference. In the period 1977 to 1998 he led a Raw Materials and Specialty Minerals Division at Magnesita – the major South American refractory company and currently the second in the world. During this period he became the most prestigious industrial minerals specialist in Brazil and started to build a career of a high performance consultant to the mining sector. Ciminelli performs as a consultant or temporary executive either from his private firm Tech & Trade Tecnologia Ltda or through the Non-Governmental Organization Instituto Quadrilatero as its President. Currently besides the strict business activities Ciminelli leads major non-governmental territorial development initiatives through proper institutional tools and a wide platform of Governmental and local stakeholders contacts.

2nd Brazil Lithium Summit
2nd Brazil Lithium Summit