Mining Engineer, with a Master's and PhD in Metallurgical and Mining Engineering, studying for a Lato Sensu Specialisation in Risk Management, Compliance and Auditing. Mining Affairs Coordinator at IBRAM, working in: risk management in emergencies - preparation and response with the management of the PROX Multiplicando Segurança project; analyses and forecasts of socio-economic indicators in mining; regulation and sustainability in mining; corporate education. She has worked in research and higher education in the areas of ore flotation, surface chemistry, interfacial phenomena, geometallurgy, material characterisation, ore concentration methods, use of mining waste and steelmaking. She has been a consultant on conceptual and engineering projects in the area of mineral processing and technological solutions for the disposal of mining tailings and the utilisation of marginal ores. She was an Adjunct Professor on the Master's programme in Process and Systems Engineering and Management at IETEC, completing 12 supervisions as main supervisor and one as co-supervisor. She has also worked as a lecturer and coordinator of short courses and in-company courses at IETEC. She was a guest lecturer at IEC PUC Minas, on the Master Lato Sensu postgraduate course in Industrial Process Engineering. She was a Technological Development scholarship holder at the Senai Innovation Institute - Mineral Processing. She taught on the undergraduate Mining Engineering programmes at UFMG and Kennedy College.