
Serbia Invests €80 Million in Smart Meter Revolution for 400,000 Homes

Vicky Pourlioti
July 26, 2024
2 min

Major Investment in Energy Infrastructure

Serbia has announced an €80 million investment to replace 400,000 traditional electricity metres with advanced smart metres. The new devices feature two-way communication, enabling remote readings and real-time data analysis. This roll-out aims to modernise the country's energy infrastructure by reducing technical losses and non-technical losses from theft, enhancing efficiency, and giving consumers more control over their energy usage.

Enhancing Energy Efficiency

The introduction of smart metres is an important step towards improving energy efficiency in Serbia. By offering real time insights into consumption patterns, smart metres will enable households to identify energy waste and adjust their usage accordingly.

Quantifiable Energy Savings

The implementation of smart metres is expected to produce approximate 10-15% reductions in overall energy consumption. This decrease will deliver cost savings for consumers by lowering electricity bills and promoting sustainable energy consumption.

Optimising the Energy System

The accurate data provided by smart metres will help utility companies to better balance supply and demand, improve grid management, and swiftly detect and address any issues such as outages or anomalies. The result will be a more resilient and efficient energy distribution network.

Strategic and Long-Term Goals

Serbia's investment in smart metres is part of a broader strategy to modernise its energy sector. This initiative supports the country's goals of integrating more renewable energy sources, improving overall grid reliability, and enhancing energy security. By adopting these innovative technologies, Serbia aims to reduce carbon emissions and foster technological advancement. This €80 million investment marks a significant milestone in Serbia's journey towards energy modernisation, positioning the country as a leader in sustainable development within the regional energy market.

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