Rafaela Guedes

Senior Fellow

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Rafaela Guedes is an independent consultant, Senior Fellow at the Brazilian Center for International Relations (CEBRI), Fellow at Igarapé and member of a panel of experts on Energy Transition at the Institute for Climate and Society. She has 18 years of professional experience in the Energy Industry and for the last 6 years has been dedicated to energy transition strategies, stratigic planning and sustainability. As senior fellow at CEBRI, she leads an Energy Transition Program in partnership with multilateral development banks, private e public sector. Currently developing 2025/2040 sectoral road-maps compatible with the Brazilian NetZero trajectory. She launched in February 2023, in partnership with COPPE, EPE and IDB, NetZero scenarios for Brazil. At Igarapé, she seeks to foster initiatives compatible with the standing forest through the co-creation of an ecosystem that accelerates the development of sustainable projects (e.g., restoration, reforestation, regenerative agriculture, bioeconomy, etc.). She develops papers, research and fosters discussions involving various stakeholders focused on just energy transition and sustainability. Rafaela worked at Petrobras for 17 years having occupied several roles. Recently as Head of Corporate Social Responsibility. Previously, as Chief Economist, Corporate Exploration and Production manager, Investor Relations Coordinator and Business Development. She holds a bachelor’s degree in economics from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), a master’s degree in international management from the Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV) and PhD student in Energy Planning at COPPE/UFRJ.

2nd Brazil Lithium Summit
2nd Brazil Lithium Summit