Joao Motta

Exploration Geoscientist

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"I am a Mineral Systems Geologist with over ten years of experience on regional exploration and orebody knowledge. I have developed a strong expertise in mineral systems analysis, mineral potential assessment and targeting, geoscience data analysis and AI. My training up to a PhD in Geology and Natural Resources harnesses me with solid analytical skills and flexibility. My main goal is to facilitate the delivery of critical information to support modern mineral exploration targeting and discovery. I use the mineral systems rationale to examine geological systems and to identify proxies for different mineral deposit styles and clans. I also apply data science principles, machine learning, and computer vision to extract insights from spatial geoscience data. I have worked on projects involving porphyry-epithermal, orogenic gold, iron oxide-copper-gold, intrusion-related (base and precious), orthomagmatic sulphides, pegmatites (Li), sedimentary iron/manganese/copper/zinc/lead systems, and weathering-related metals (Mn, Ni, REE), as well as hydrocarbon systems. At the moment I lead and support generative exploration geology by providing district to asset mineral potential assessment, research and technical information delivery, strategic planning, geological risk analysis and mitigation, exploration program design and supervision. Besides I provide counselling to exploration leaderships at project to global level and business development group, review of technology and implementation. I am active also on mentoring and training, and geoscience data harvesting and curation. I have a proven track record of synthesizing data and knowledge over complex problems into concise written reports and clear oral communication. I am a member and mentor of the Society of Economic Geologists and a member of the AusIMM."

Brazil Lithium Summit 2024
Brazil Lithium Summit 2024