Eduardo Pascoal Martins

Insitutional Relations Advisor

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"I am a geologist and master in geosciences who sees humanity as an inseparable part of nature and completely dependent on its mineral resources. Therefore, I understand that mining is not an option, but a necessity for us since ancient times. Considering the finiteness of these resources and our direct connection with the environment, I argue that efficient and sustainable mining is essential to satisfy our need for mineral goods, as well as being a powerful tool for economic and social development. This view arises not only from the solid academic background I have built but also from the professional career I have been developing over the past almost 10 years. During this period, I had the opportunity and privilege to participate in and contribute to various projects for various mineral substances. Among them, I highlight: financial evaluation (valuation) of the world's largest #niobium mine; evaluation and negotiation of what was then the only #lithium mine in Brazil; evaluation and negotiation of a #limestone mine; evaluation and negotiation regarding a #phosphate mine; evaluation and due diligence of natural #graphite projects. In addition to these and other activities related to mineral portfolio management, I was able to build my people management skills by coordinating a group of professionals with diverse backgrounds and academic formations. Recently, after this phase in which I was able to consolidate technical skills, I began to focus more on promoting and attracting investments in mining, steelmaking, and metalworking to the state of Minas Gerais, as well as attracting foreign direct investments (FDI). In this cycle, I have been developing and strengthening some skills: relationship with stakeholders (private, governmental, investment funds, and the like); institutional relations; value chain and market for critical minerals for the energy transition (e.g., #niobium, metallic #silicon, #lithium, #REE - rare earth elements, #manganese, and #graphite); #diplomacy; #geopolitics; and #marketing. The sum of all these activities in which I had the privilege to participate contributed to consolidate my interest in continuing to be actively involved and contribute to the development of projects with high social, economic, and environmental impact. Currently, the indispensable role that responsible mining of critical minerals can and will play in the energy transition is a topic that attracts me and about which I would love to discuss further. "

2nd Brazil Lithium Summit
2nd Brazil Lithium Summit