
Mauritania's Parliament Approves Green Hydrogen Code

Karam Veysel
September 14, 2024

Nouakchott, Mauritania, September 9, 2024 – Mauritania has taken a major step toward becoming a green energy leader with the approval of its green hydrogen legal framework. On Monday evening, the National Assembly in Nouakchott passed the new regulatory structure, setting the stage for renewable energy projects aimed at producing green hydrogen. The framework outlines the rules, opportunities, and long-term goals for the sector, positioning the country to attract international investment and generate employment.

The framework is expected to unlock vast potential for renewable energy, particularly green hydrogen production, which Mauritania plans to develop at scale. Energy and Petroleum Minister Mohamed Ould Mohamed Maoulainine Ould Khaled emphasized that the country's favorable geographic position and "vast areas" of renewable energy capacity make it well-suited for this initiative. Mauritania’s proximity to other African nations also offers promising opportunities for energy exports through its integrated electricity grid.

The government has committed to focusing not only on energy production but also on training and job creation in the renewable sector. This move is designed to empower Mauritanian workers and develop a skilled workforce capable of supporting the growing green hydrogen industry.

By establishing a regulatory framework, Mauritania aims to attract investors and international support to tap into its renewable energy potential. The focus on training and local job opportunities underscores the government’s goal to ensure that the benefits of green hydrogen production are widely shared across the country, making it a key driver of sustainable development.

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