Acesse as principais oportunidades de mercados emergentes e partes interessadas

Uma comunidade global de executivos de alto nível em energia solar, eólica, minerais críticos e hidrogênio verde. Capítulos locais, conferências, eventos de networking exclusivos e inúmeras outras ferramentas para descobrir os projetos certos, fazer negócios e impulsionar mudanças.

Trusted by  top organizations in the world

The Circle: Powering Global Influence

We believe that ambitious individuals, empowered with the right network and tools can shift the world.

Our mission:
Bring together the world's most influential energy leaders - operators, financiers, and technologists. Create a nexus of power and knowledge that transcends borders and industries.

We don't just facilitate conversations. We catalyze action. In boardrooms and on the field, in emerging markets and established economies, we're uniting the voices that shape energy policies, drive investments, and guide operations.

Our members don't just discuss the future of energy—they create it. From local initiatives to global strategies, The Circle empowers energy leaders to realize their full potential and make a lasting impact.


Here's what The Circle offers

The Circle is more than just a membership. It's the place where all Energy deals happen

Become a Net-Zero Member:

We provide the knowledge, network, advice, and tools you need to not only become a frontrunner in your field, but also stay ahead of the curve. As timing is everything, the Club helps you  Be the first one to find out what’s next before your competition.

Networking Beyond Borders:

The Circle isn't limited by geography. By joining our club, you can travel anywhere within our network and instantly connect with the right people and gain valuable insights, with a tailored Members-only concierge and introductions service.

A Private Concierge for Deal-Making:

Focus on your vision and sales, not outbounding logistics. The Circle streamlines the organization of private meetings, knowledge-sharing sessions and workshops, allowing you to meet with your next partner and client with no effort at all. 

Elevate Your Impact:

Gain access to an exclusive executive club where you will be seen as a top-leader in your market and area of expertise, together with your Chapter’s and other international CEOs in the Solar, Wind, Critical Minerals, Green Hydrogen sectors.

What the industry had to say about us

"It's fantastic to see investors, companies, and sectors gathering at Global Energy Week to discuss future opportunities and challenges"

Head of Energy Strategy & EMEA Equity Research,
JP Morgan

“I am happy to recommend IN-VR for their excellent level of work ethics, proven results and marketing Agency for Governments, States and the Energy industry.”

Amina Benkhadra
General Director, ONHYM

"An event like this, which attracts investors and entrepreneurs from more than 23 countries, is a way for the ecosystem to move and for us to create the necessary connections."

CEO, Invest Minas

 "An incredible international event, which once and for all propels Minas Gerais onto the global investment route for the energy transition." 

Secretary of State for Economic Development, Government of Minas Gerais

"An extremely important event where the possibilities of lithium in Argentina are discussed & analyzed (...) also in terms of the potential for lithium industrialization...”

YPF Litio & Y-Tec

“"Very much enjoyed the event! It had a diverse mix of people from the oil & gas sector, financial services, climate and focus investors, so it was a good discussion.”

Head of Africa, CFP, BlackRock Climate Infrastructure

Use nossa infraestrutura global para entrar e operar em mercados emergentes

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